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[UON]∎ Libro Mana Asher Tensei Laura Vaillancourt Felicia Cook Chaz Olave 9781623750251 Books

Mana Asher Tensei Laura Vaillancourt Felicia Cook Chaz Olave 9781623750251 Books

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Download PDF Mana Asher Tensei Laura Vaillancourt Felicia Cook Chaz Olave 9781623750251 Books

Eurich is thrown into a seemingly ill-fated destiny. After learning of his legendary magic, he is convinced that he alone must stop an impending doom, but nothing is ever as it seems. His best friends Jason and Raine try their best to help him save the world, but help isn’t what he needs  —he needs a way across the barrier.  Despite this fate thrust upon him, Eurich knows what is coming. The world is headed toward Chaos due to a weakening barrier between Earth and a world that has been hidden for millennia.  Our world is about to take a sharp turn for the worse. Extra moons are rising in the sky, and panic is at an all-time high. Worst of all, there are no explanations. Saving the world begins with a choice  —but is humanity worth him risking his own life?

Mana Asher Tensei Laura Vaillancourt Felicia Cook Chaz Olave 9781623750251 Books

This book got lost on my Kindle for a couple of years. It didn't indicate in any way that it's part of a series-- but since it ended with a Cliffhanger, that must have been the plan. Years have passed since I downloaded it, and no sequel has as yet happened.
Which is OK with me.

I always insist on finishing whatever book I start, as I like to give an Author the respect he deserves for his writing effort. This one was very difficult for me to get through. It was extremely choppy, as if parts were added and deleted without care. The dialogue was unnatural, not flowing well even for a YA. The book was in dire need of editing and proofreading. Although the plot showed some potential, it just never really went anywhere. Add to that the cliffhanger ending, and maybe you can understand my frustration.

This took me a long time to finish, and I really didn't enjoy it. I cannot recommend this book, at least in its present form. Sorry, but it's just not ready.

Product details

  • Paperback 304 pages
  • Publisher Malachite Quills Publishing (October 15, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1623750253

Read Mana Asher Tensei Laura Vaillancourt Felicia Cook Chaz Olave 9781623750251 Books

Tags : Mana [Asher Tensei, Laura Vaillancourt, Felicia Cook, Chaz Olave] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Eurich is thrown into a seemingly ill-fated destiny. After learning of his legendary magic, he is convinced that he alone must stop an impending doom,Asher Tensei, Laura Vaillancourt, Felicia Cook, Chaz Olave,Mana,Malachite Quills Publishing,1623750253,Fiction Romance Paranormal
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Mana Asher Tensei Laura Vaillancourt Felicia Cook Chaz Olave 9781623750251 Books Reviews

Asher Tensei has created the beginning to an epic fantasy in his debut novel, Mana. Set in both the Earth world and an alternate world, Asher cleverly entwined the two in an understandable and cohesive way to create a wonderful read.
Eurich, the protagonist is a complex character, growing throughout the book as his powers are discovered and developed. You find yourself routing for him as he discovers more about himself, his family, and the prophesy he is set to fulfill. The side characters also are well developed and defined in terms of their purpose and transformations.
The heart of this story for me was in the transformations of the relationships. He skillfully and poignantly described the depth and struggles of multiple relationships- the blossoming of love, the betrayal of power, the confusion and acceptance of buried pasts.
I read this book from beginning to end in one sitting. It was easy to get transported into this world. Both the descriptions of the Earth world, the imagery of the alternate world, witty dialogue, and the timeline of the story kept my interest peaked. This is an enjoyable book for anyone who enjoys epic fantasy, urban fantasy or just a fun read for the afternoon.
One thing about this novel, is that while it is a great read, it does heavily set up for the next story. The cliffhanger leaves you with a longing for the next rather than a clear resolution... so keep writing because I am looking forward to the continuing story.
I found this another book that could have benefited greatly from an editor. The characters of Asher, Jason and Raine are all fully realized, and the element of teen narcissism refreshing to see a fantasy book where most heroes of the genre are selfless. Just because someone has magical powers doesn't mean he'll without question sacrifice himself to save the work, especially when life hasn't been that great anyway. That said some of the prose is awkward and hard to follow, not that its not worth the effort, just that it easily could have been cleaned up by a good editor.
Eurich is fairly content with his life. Sure, he may fantasize about something really exciting happening one day, but overall, he has great parents, good friends, and a bright future. All of that changes when his teacher gives him a book filled with stories and creatures not of this world. Eurich doesn't really believe the book could be real at first, not until people around him start changing, until he finds himself in a strange world with an otherworldly guide. Soon, Eurich realizes fantasies aren't all fun and games. The power he is beginning to recognize brings with it a destiny he may not be able to fulfill, let alone survive.

Mana gets off to an interesting start when Eurich witnesses, or seems to witness, his entire neighborhood being destroyed by fire. He is shocked when he realizes the fire was not real, but the strange creature he met while trying to stop the fire is real. The overall idea behind this book was very interesting. Tensei sets up a well developed storyline and backstory that drives the plot forward. At one point the reader even gets to jump back in time to experience some of the backstory through the eyes of Eurich's adoptive parents. This flashback was a bit lengthy, but interesting. I felt there were no big gaps in the plot, and I was interested throughout the book to see what would happen next. I did, however, think some of the plot points were more obvious that the characters seemed to think, which was a little frustrating at times, but overall it was interesting.

The characters showed promise in this book. Each one had an element of uniqueness to them that made them memorable. I enjoyed the conflict Tensei created between characters at different times that kept the relationships from feeling flat. I didn't see as much depth to the characters as I would have liked, but I feel fairly confident that this will develop more as the series continues. The dialog was also a bit stilted throughout the book, but I've found that this is common among new writers and the flow of the dialog often improves with each book. At times some of the characters had a very "young" feel to them because of their occasionally simplistic reactions and lack of deep emotional connection. I saw this particularly with Euirch and Raine mainly because they did not seem to take things as seriously as I would have expected and brushed off things that should have been more emotional of thought provoking at times. One time where this happened was regarding the hooded man. Raine and Jason both discuss him, and it seemed pretty clear that this was a bad guy, someone to be concerned about, yet Eurich and Raine brush it off like it is nothing.

The magic system was a little bit of a struggle for me. I didn't feel like it was ever explained well enough that I could get a good handle on it. When the magic was being used, especially in combat, I was often a little unsure of what was going on. I was also not a huge fan of the system being word based. This also contributed to giving the book a younger feel than what I think Tensei was going for. I did, however enjoy the progression Eurich went through to develop his skills, and the interesting abilities Raine developed along the way. I think there is potential here with the magic system, but it needed a little more explanation and I hope the use gets more complex throughout the series.

Overall, this was an intriguing idea for a book. I think it has potential as a series, but there is room for improvement and growth in the writing. The emotion was often lacking where it should have been impactful, the characters seemed unaware mainly to benefit the plot, the editing could have been much better, and the magic system needs to be a little more developed. I think the concept will compel readers to want to know what will happen next, but the weaknesses may be a struggle for some readers. The young feeling may also make this more suitable for younger teen readers than the 17-18 age group.
This is a full fledged novel. Tensei is very adept at developing believable characters and a hard-hitting story line. "Mana" reminded my of The Hunger Games in it's style and flow (also Twilight and Divergent), but the author definitely gives this book his own unique edge. The description and imagery really impressed me by creating realistic settings in an other-world universe "Day seemed just a bit brighter with three moons in the sky, but the night came faster. The last of the leaves fell off the trees and the air grew colder." This book isn't a quick read, but it's a good read and one you won't want to put down. Loved it.
This book got lost on my for a couple of years. It didn't indicate in any way that it's part of a series-- but since it ended with a Cliffhanger, that must have been the plan. Years have passed since I downloaded it, and no sequel has as yet happened.
Which is OK with me.

I always insist on finishing whatever book I start, as I like to give an Author the respect he deserves for his writing effort. This one was very difficult for me to get through. It was extremely choppy, as if parts were added and deleted without care. The dialogue was unnatural, not flowing well even for a YA. The book was in dire need of editing and proofreading. Although the plot showed some potential, it just never really went anywhere. Add to that the cliffhanger ending, and maybe you can understand my frustration.

This took me a long time to finish, and I really didn't enjoy it. I cannot recommend this book, at least in its present form. Sorry, but it's just not ready.
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